Estos son los pasos para cambiar un vendaje quirúrgico de la herida.
Aprende cómo calmar tu mente antes de una intervención.
Con este video vas a aprender cómo prepararte antes en casa para tu cirugía.
Con este video aprenderás como debes bañarte usando el jabón líquido de CHG antes de la cirugía.
Con este video aprenderás lo que quiere decir Nada por la Boca o NPO, y por qué es importante que sigas las instrucciones de tu profesional médico antes de una intervención o de hacerte pruebas.
Ve este video para saber lo que va a suceder el día de tu cirugía y durante tu estancia en el hospital.
Con este video aprenderás sobre tu recuperación de la cirugía en casa, incluyendo el control del dolor y síntomas de complicaciones posibles después de tu cirugía.
Con este video aprende las respuestas de dudas comunes sobre la histerectomía.
You are scheduled to have surgery. The healthcare staff will try to make your stay comfortable. Use the guidelines below to remind yourself what to do before surgery.
This sheet tells you more about surgical site infections, what hospitals are doing to prevent them, and how they are treated if they do occur. It also tells you what you can do to prevent these infections.
Robotic surgery doesn't mean that a machine does surgery instead of a person. It means that a surgeon uses the robotic tools to do surgery.
A fingertip amputation is when the tip of the finger is cut partially or completely off. It is best to allow the wound to heal on its own.
A perianal abscess may need an incision to drain the puss from it. Antibiotics may be needed to treat the infection, as well.
A pilonidal cyst is a swelling that starts under the skin on the sacrum near the tail bone. It may look like a small dimple. Because it often has an opening to the surface, it may become infected with normal skin bacteria. Read on to learn how to care for yourself at home.
Abdominal adhesions are a common side effect of any abdominal surgery. In some cases, surgery is needed to remove the scar tissue.
Procedural sedation is medicine to ease discomfort, pain, and anxiety during a procedure. While you are under sedation, you will likely be awake. But you may not remember anything afterward.