Este video les va a enseñar a las personas lo que hace un EEG, y lo que va a suceder antes, durante y después de la prueba.
Este video les va a mostrar a las personas lo que se mide durante un estudio del esfuerzo, y lo que puede esperar antes, durante y después de la prueba.
Con este video aprenderás lo que es un estudio del sueño, como prepararte para el estudio y lo que sucederá después del estudio.
Este video les informa a las personas quiénes deben hacerse pruebas de detección, y lo que va a suceder antes, durante y después de la prueba.
Este video les ofrece a las personas una idea general de la tomografía computarizada (TC), que es un escaneo que produce una serie de imágenes detalladas de una parte del cuerpo, y de lo que va a suceder antes, durante y después del examen.
Este video les ofrece a las personas una idea general de la IRM (imágenes de resonancia magnética) y cómo utiliza imanes y ondas de radio para crear imágenes detalladas de los órganos en su cuerpo, y también de lo que va a suceder antes, durante y después de la prueba.
Este video les ofrece a las personas una idea general de la tomografía TEP, que usa radioactividad para trazar el proceso de enfermedades en el cuerpo, y lo que va a suceder antes, durante y después del examen.
Este video les ofrece a las personas una idea general de lo que son los rayos-x, que utilizan radioactividad para producir una imagen de una parte del cuerpo, y de lo que va a suceder antes, durante y después del examen.
Este video les ofrece a las personas una idea general sobre como un ECG utiliza sensores eléctricos para estudiar la actividad eléctrica del corazón y lo que va a suceder antes, durante y después del examen.
Con este video vas a saber qué es la Punción Lumbar y lo que va a suceder antes, durante y después de la prueba.
Este video les ofrece a las personas una idea general del ecocardiograma y de cómo utiliza ondas de sonido para crear imágenes de la estructura y función del corazón y lo que va a suceder antes, durante y después de la prueba.
Las ecografías (imágenes por ultrasonido) son pruebas que utilizan ondas de sonido para formar imágenes detalladas de sus órganos..
Duplex ultrasound is a type of ultrasound that makes 2 kinds of images. First, it creates pictures of your blood vessels. Then, it makes graphs that show the speed and the direction of blood flow through the vessels.
Duplex ultrasound uses sound waves to get images of your blood vessels. Your healthcare provider may want to do a duplex ultrasound to find out if you have any problems with the vessels that carry blood to and from the major organs in your body.
This test measures the amount of the protein albumin in your blood. The test can help diagnose liver and kidney problems.
This test measures the level of the enzyme amylase in your blood. Amylase levels in your blood rise when your pancreas or your salivary glands are inflamed.
This test looks at electrically charged particles in your blood to help your doctor diagnose acid-base imbalances.
This is a urine test to screen for a class of medicines called benzodiazepines. These medicines are sometimes called tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and muscle relaxants.
This is a blood test that checks for infection in your blood.
This test measures the amount of a protein that builds up in your blood when you have heart failure. It's an important tool for healthcare providers to diagnose heart failure quickly.
This blood test measures the level of calcitonin in your blood. Calcitonin is a hormone secreted by your thyroid.
This test measures the levels of cardiac biomarkers in your blood. Some of these markers increase after you've had a heart attack.
This test looks at your stool for toxins that may be causing persistent diarrhea.
This test is used to rule out whether you have a blood clot. When blood clots form and start to break down, they release the substance D-dimer into the blood.
This test measures the amount of the heart medicine digoxin in your blood. When you take digoxin, it's important that the medicine be at the right level for you to benefit from it.
This test measures the amount of alcohol, or ethanol, in your blood. This test is used by law enforcement agencies and hospitals to find out the concentration of alcohol in a person's blood.
This test measures the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in your urine. It can tell whether you are pregnant within days of a missed period.
This test can find out whether you have hemoglobin C disease, a blood disorder. Hemoglobin C causes hemolytic anemia, which is similar to sickle cell disease.
This blood test looks to see how well your blood clots. The test is especially important if you take blood-thinning medicines.
This test looks at how much of the enzyme LDH you have in your blood. Higher levels of this substance could mean you've had a heart attack or other tissue damage.
This test measures the amount of lipase in your blood. Lipase is an enzyme that is made by your pancreas. Higher levels may mean you have a problem with your pancreas.
This group of tests measures specific proteins and enzymes in your blood. It can tell how healthy your liver is and help diagnose liver disease or damage.
This test measures the amount of magnesium in your blood. Too little or too much of this mineral can mean you have certain health problems.
This test looks for signs in your blood that you have the Epstein-Barr virus, the virus that causes mono.
This test measures the number of platelet cells in your blood. It can give your healthcare provider valuable information about how well your blood clots to stop bleeding, how well your bone marrow is working, and diseases that affect your platelet count.
This test measures the level of protein C in your blood. If you have too little protein C, called a protein C deficiency, it means that your blood may clot too much.
This test is 1 of several that looks at how well your blood clots. Your healthcare provider may use this test to help diagnose a blood clotting disorder.
This test looks for bacteria that cause strep throat and scarlet fever. Both of these illnesses are quite contagious.
This test looks for bacteria, viruses, and other organisms in your stool. This test can help find out what's causing a digestive tract infection.
This test measures your level of TSH, a hormone made by your pituitary gland. You may need this test if you have symptoms of thyroid problems.
This test measures the amount of the protein troponin in your blood. It can tell your healthcare provider whether you are having a heart attack.
This is a test to check for bacteria that could be causing an infection in your urinary tract.
This test measures the level of vitamin B-12 in your blood. You need this vitamin to make red blood cells and for your nervous system to function as it should.
This test looks for bacteria or other organisms in a wound. The test is used to find out if a wound is infected. It can also identify the type of organism that's causing the infection.
The diagnosis of HIV is made with an antibody test of the blood.