Esta afección es una inflamación e hinchazón de sus senos paranasales. Estas son cavidades huecas llenas de aire ubicadas en su cráneo. Ellas desembocan en sus fosas nasales. La sinusitis puede ser una afección dolorosa. Para algunas personas puede convertirse en un problema crónico.
Nasal polyps are abnormal, soft growths in the nose or sinuses. They are fairly common, especially as you get older.
Most nosebleeds happen because of dry air or because of nose-picking. They can occur during a common cold or an allergy attack.
A foreign object in the nose can cause swelling and difficulty breathing through the nose. In some cases, an object in the nose may lead to an infection.
Nasal contusion may cause pain, swelling, and a stuffy nose. It may also cause bleeding. Here's how to care for yourself at home.
Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction that affects the nose, and often the eyes. Common indoor allergens include house dust mites, mold, cockroaches, and pet dander. Outdoor allergens include pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the tissue lining the sinus cavity. Sinus inflammation can occur during a cold. It can also be due to allergies to pollens and other particles in the air.
Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that causes air passages to be narrowed or blocked during sleep. As a result, breathing stops for short periods. This interrupts sleep and prevents good rest.
Este video muestra cómo usar un aerosol nasal.
Esta cirugía corrige un tabique desviado. El tabique es una pared delgada de cartílago y hueso que se encuentra dentro de su nariz. El mismo separa las fosas nasales. Si usted tiene el tabique desviado, este se encuentra torcido o descentrado.
You're scheduled to have a type of nasal surgery called septoplasty. Read on to learn about what to expect during and after this surgery.
A nasal packing controls bleeding by helping the blood clot.
A nasal packing is placed in the nose to control bleeding. Most packings are left in place from 3 to 5 days.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the tissue lining the sinus cavity. Sinus inflammation can occur during a cold. It can also be due to allergies to pollens and other particles in the air. An infection of the sinuses is treated with antibiotics.