Este dispositivo electrónico proporciona una sensación de sonido a las personas sordas o con problemas significativos de audición. No es lo mismo que un audífono, que amplifica los sonidos para que el oído los procese. Un implante coclear transforma el sonido en señales eléctricas y las envía directamente al nervio auditivo. Recorramos el camino del sonido a través de un implante coclear para ver cómo funciona.
Si oye un molesto zumbido o tintineo en uno o ambos oídos, usted tiene tinnitus. Puede ser que le resulte muy molesto. El tinnitus es un problema de su sistema auditivo. Este es el sistema que le permite oír. El problema puede estar en el oído. Puede estar en el nervio que conecta su oído con su cerebro. O puede estar en la parte de su cerebro que procesa las señales de sonido. Por lo general, el tinnitus no es signo de tener un problema serio.
Your middle ear may have been injured or infected recently. Over time, certain growths or bone disease can also harm the middle ear. Left untreated, these problems often lead to lifelong hearing loss. Read on to learn more.
Most people age 65 and older have some hearing loss. By age 80, almost everyone does. Hearing loss often occurs slowly over the years. So you may not realize your hearing has gotten worse.
An injury or infection can cause your eardrum to tear (rupture). This creates a hole (perforation) that may affect your hearing.
Tinnitus is the term for a noise in your ear not caused by an outside sound. It is also called ringing in the ears. Learn about some of the treatments that may help this condition.
Impacted earwax is a buildup of the natural wax in the ear. Impacted earwax is very common. It can cause symptoms such as hearing loss.
A middle ear infection occurs behind the eardrum. It is most often caused by a virus or bacteria. Most kids have at least one middle ear infection by the time they are 3 years old. But adults can also get them.
Earaches can happen without an infection. This occurs when air and fluid build up behind the eardrum. This is called otitis media with effusion (OME) or serous otitis media.
A foreign body in the ear can lead to irritation. Sometimes this can cause infection in the outer ear canal.
When the inner ear gets irritated or inflamed it causes a condition known as labyrinthitis. This causes sudden dizziness and balance problems.
Meniere's disease is a chronic recurring condition that is due to a problem with the inner ear. It can cause sudden attacks of vertigo, hearing problems, tinnitus, and a feeling of pressure of fullness in the ear.
A ruptured eardrum will cause pain. There may be some clear or bloody drainage. A buzzing sound may be heard in the ear. Some hearing may be lost the affected ear.
A ruptured eardrum may cause sudden pain. Pus or blood will drain out of the ear canal. Your hearing will also likely be affected.
The infection in your child's eardrum may be treated with antibiotics. The eardrum usually heals completely on its own.
Problems with the inner ear can a false feeling of motion. This is called vertigo. It has a variety of possible causes.
External otitis is an infection in the ear canal. It is often caused by bacteria or fungus. Symptoms can include pain, fever, itching, redness, drainage, or swelling of the ear canal. Temporary hearing loss may also occur.
Your child has an infection of the middle ear. Sometimes the internal passage that drains fluid from the middle ear can become blocked. When the middle ear fills with fluid, bacteria or viruses may grow there, causing an infection.
Durante esta cirugía se coloca un tubo blando en el tímpano de uno o ambos oídos. Lo hacemos para facilitar el drenaje de líquido que se encuentra atrapado detrás del tímpano. Si su hijo tiene muchas infecciones de oído, es posible que se le recomiende la colocación de estos tubos de ventilación.
A cochlear implant is a device that helps reverse nerve-related hearing loss. It can treat hearing loss that will not respond to hearing aids. During cochlear implant surgery, the device is implanted into the inner ear (cochlea). A few weeks after surgery, the device is activated and hearing is restored.
Learn how to care for yourself when you have an infection of the middle ear (the space behind the eardrum).